Tag Archives: back to nature

Silver Linings and Small Victories.

This week:

I am grateful to be feeling better mentally. Less brain fog, and less down in the dumps.

I am grateful for plentiful and freely given cuddles and kisses and love and affection.

I am grateful for choice.

I am grateful for advocacy.

I an grateful for passion to right wrongs and the potential for change.

I am grateful for knowledge and insight and lived experience and expertise.

I am grateful for ease and grace.

I am grateful for radiant, glorious sunsets and the beautiful, healing, natural surrounds in which I find myself.

I am grateful for treats and spoiling myself; it happens rarely so I appreciate it all the more when it does!

I am grateful for progress. I have a couple of jobs I want to apply for, and have been stressing out massively over a lack of references (given my illness-related employment gap and that most of my study has been external) as well as anxiety over explaining my health issues in terms of my employment history and physical limitations. Then it hit me; I’m feeling well and able-bodied enough to be seriously considering working a couple of days a week. That’s huge, and a cause for celebration, not stress. Likely nothing will come of the applications, but I feel like submitting them will be a milestone nonetheless.

What are you feeling grateful for this week?

Silver Linings and Small Victories.

To be honest, I am having a terrible, horrible, no-good day. I’m miserable and in more pain than I have been for a while and panicking and hormonal. And I suspect, on days like this, it is even more important to be grateful. So here we go.

This week:

I am grateful for sunshine on my head and dirt under my feet.

I am grateful for making plans.

I am grateful for good stories to get lost in (I’m currently on a Juliet Mariller rampage; she’s one of my favourite authors, if anyone wants a fantasy rec).

I am grateful for my cat, her cuddles, and her purrs. She really is the cutest. If she wasn’t so hard to photograph (she’s all black except for five hairs on her chest) this blog would be plastered in pictures.

I am grateful for rain, cooling and calming.

I am grateful for seafood and bacon, because yum, and chocolate, always.

I am grateful for my patient man.

I am grateful for freshly made beds.

I am grateful for the exhausted relief that follows tears.

I am grateful for deep breaths.

How about you?